NDCMC Discuss Safety, Seamless Borders and the establishment of Nacala Development Corridor Secretariat
19 Mar07:40:54 AM
17 Mar06:45:33 AM
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Ministry of Transport and Public Works holds a vital key to contributing to national socio-economic development through implementation of policies, legislation and strategies in the transport and buildings sectors in Malawi in line with national development goals and in keeping with Malawi’s regional and international obligations.
*To spearhead the develop of the policy on transport and public works provide policy direction, guidance oversight, facilitation, coordination supervision, monitoring and evaluation.

Road Transport
Road transport remains the major mode of transport in Malawi, handling more than 70 percent of the internal freight trafficand 99 percent of passenger traffic, with an estimate of 75%.. Read More

Air Transport
The air transport system consists of: two primary international airports (Lilongwe and Blantyre); four secondary a irports with paved runways (Likoma, Karonga, Mzuzu, and Club Makokola...Read More

Water Transport
Malawi 's inland water transport system comprises the Shire River and the three Lakes, Mal wi, Malombe, and Chi lwa. The entire length of Lake Malawi (587 km) is navigable and has 4 ports designated...Read More

Rail Transport
The railway network in Malawi consists of 933km of mainline single cape gauge of which 20I km is currently non-operational due to railway infrastructure damages caused by flooding...Read More