The upgrading of Rumphi-Nyika-Chitipa road is one of the planned/upcoming project in the pipeline. Traversing a length of 272 km, the project will upgrade two roads designated as Main roads (M24 road from Rumphi  District – Nyika and M09 from Nyika-  Chitipa. Currently the road is of earth standard and will be upgraded to bitumen Class 1.
Currently the road is at the Feasibility Studies and detailed Engineering Design stage of a project cycle.

The road was selected for upgrading because of its economic and social impact potential. It passes through through Nyika National Park, one of the most beautiful, unspoiled and rich natural conservation areas. Nyika Park has one of the most beautiful and rare landscapes and wild life. The road will therefore provide easy mobility and accessibility to the Park to both local and International tourists.
It will also ease transportation of people and agricultural and other goods in the area and also providing a link to access other markets in the North,Centre and South of Malawi. The road is close to the  boarder of the Eastern Province of Zambia and will open economic activities between the two countries.
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