The Directorate of Road Traffic and Safety Services (DRTSS) is a Department under the Ministry of Transport and Public Works (MoTPW). It is charged with the responsibility of administering regulatory provisions governing the road transport industry in Malawi. The operations of the Directorate are guided by the Road Traffic Act (1997) and Road Traffic Regulations (2000).
The new look DRTSS is a result of the merger between the Road Traffic Directorate (RTD) and the National Road Safety Council of Malawi (NRSCM) in 2010. These are institutions which were established under different legal instruments (the Road Traffic Act, 1997 and the National Road Safety Council Act, 1978 respectively) but were performing complimentary functions. Their merger which has been one of the key government reform areas in the transport sector was meant to improve efficiency and effectiveness of the services rendered by removing the overlaps and duplication of functions. In the current setup, the Directorate plays duo roles, first as a regulator that enforces laws and regulations including the provision of advisory services to government institutions and other stakeholders in the road transport sector. Secondly it is also responsible for implementing the various policies and regulations pertaining to the operations of the road transport players.
The mandate of the Directorate is prescribed in the road Traffic Act (1997) which provides a legal framework for the Road Transport industry. Under this Act, the Directorate is charged with the responsibility to administer regulatory provisions governing Motor Vehicle Administration, Driver Licensing Administration, Operator Authorization and Permit Control and other issues related to traffic management and safety.
A safe and sustainable road transport system.
To regulate the road transport industry through law enforcement; development of policies, standards and practices; and provide civic education in order to ensure a safe and sustainable road transport system
Proactive and Timeliness in Responding to Situations
We shall endeavor to standout of the situation in the course of discharging our duties instead of reacting to situations in responding to our clients’ needs.
We shall discharge our duties with high integrity and following standard procedures using highly qualified, competent and skilled staff.
Transparency and Accountability
We shall discharge our duties in an open manner and shall be accountable for all our actions to our stakeholders
Customer Centric
We shall treat our clients as kings and shall endeavor to provide demand-driven services that will exceed their expectations
Creativity and Innovativeness
We shall endeavor to create a conducive environment for our members of staff to be creative and innovative to improve performance and delivery of quality services to all road users
We shall discharge our duties based on the principle of justice and fairness where all our clients will be treated fairly, with honesty and respect following established rules and laws
Environmental Conscious
We shall at all times be mindful of environmental protection
Operational Centres
The Directorate has a Secretariat in Lilongwe along Paul Kagame Road and four Regional offices in Lilongwe, Blantyre, Zomba and Mzuzu.
Central and Southern regions have satellite offices in Lilongwe at City Centre and Blantyre at Makata respectively. In additional to the satellite offices the Directorate has two additional service centres at Lilongwe Post Office and Mangochi Post Office under Mlambe One Stop Public Service Delivery Centre.
Contact Us
DRTSS Head Office,
Private Bag 257,
Tel: 01 756 398/ 177/181/0995008482
DRTSS Regional Office Centre,
P.O. Box 101,
Tel: 01 756 042
City Centre Service Station,
Mpico Building, Next to Old Mutual,
DRTSS Regional Office South,
P.O. Box 30177,
Blantyre 3.
Tel: 0995008502
DRTSS Regional Office East,
Behind National Statistics,
P.O. Box 315,
Tel: 01 527 955 / 0995008509
DRTSS Regional Office North,
P.O. Box 115,